Custom made utility vehicles

Van Venrooy really get's you rolling!


Van Venrooy supplies custom made solutions for various sectors such as healthcare, marketing & promotion, (motor) sports, research, education, information and recreation. Feel free to contact us to discuss how we can help you to get your business rolling.

“We do things right, or we don't do them at all. That is the Van Venrooy way. Only this way we can really help a client.”
~ Rene van Venrooy ~
Engineering & construction
Van Venrooy’s engineers and constructors are among the best in their field. This enables us to solve the most complex issues for you.

Aanvullende diensten

Korte intro over de aanvullende diensten om ontzorging op het hoogste niveau te kunnen bieden.

More information?

Do you have questions about our company or our products? Please contact us at +31(0)412-45 53 or fill in fill in the form below. We will contact you as soon as possible.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Some of our clients:

Visiting address:
Galliërsweg 39A
5349 AT Oss

+31(0)412-45 53 07