Thanks to the convenient assembly and disassembly, the researchers can start working on location in the vehicle almost immediately. The car is completely autonomous; connecting additional cables and hoses is not necessary. All gas, water and electricity are integrated into the vehicle, and there are solar panels on the roof.
Guaranteed hygiene
The temperature in the car can be easily controlled, even when there are many people inside. The many batteries and a gas generator prevent odor or noise nuisance.
And underfloor heating instead of radiators or air blowers guarantees hygiene.
With all these facilities, the vehicle can be deployed quickly at the busiest locations. During 3FM Serious Request in Leiden, for example, where visitors could have their teeth checked in reality.
Galliërsweg 39A
5349 AT Oss
Over Van Venrooy
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Galliërsweg 39A
5349 AT Oss