Dental care and health
NoviaCura specializes in organizing professional oral care for dependent residents in institutions and disabled people. The Dental Cars specially developed for NoviaCura offer many advantages.

"With this mobile practice we can offer our clients the care and safety they need right on their doorstep!"

Franca van Venrooij


The vehicles are fully autonomous. So it is not necessary to connect extra cables and hoses. All supplies (for gas, water and electricity) are integrated in the vehicle. Practice and equipment comply with all hygiene guidelines (KNMT infection prevention guidelines and ISO-9001 standards).

The mobile dental practice contains all basic facilities such as electricity, cold and hot water, heating and air conditioning. The vehicle is also equipped with a system that helps prevent legionella infections. Due to the extremely short installation time on location, you are operational almost immediately.

The accessibility of the vehicle is excellent. All mobile practices are equipped with a lift (for wheelchair or hospital bed) and electric pneumatic doors. The interior is spacious and ergonomically designed.

The medical equipment is state-of-the-art and can compete with facilities in larger institutions. The practical planning can be carried out entirely from the vehicle. There is a computer with dental software and of course a wireless network.

  • Equipped with a lift for wheelchair or hospital bed
  • State-of-the-art equipment
  • Can be deployed completely autonomously


    Driving licence:
    Max. number persons:
    Length vehicle:
    9300 mm
    Width vehicle:
    2550 mm
    Height vehicle:
    3700 mm
    Max. weight allowed:
    10500 kg
    Air suspenssion:
    Rear axle
    Equipped with:
    Hydraulic level system, Lift for wheelchair or bed, Thermal disinfector, WIFI
    This vehicle can be used completely autonomously.

    More information about our tailor-made mobility solutions?

    Complete the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

    Desired area of ​​application:

    Visiting address:
    Galliërsweg 39A
    5349 AT Oss

    +31(0)412-45 53 07